Turning the tide on plastic pollution
At phs, we feel strongly that there’s still enormous scope to help stop everyday sanitary items, from wet wipes to period products, passing directly into our waterways, harming wildlife, and polluting our oceans. By choosing phs as your supplier your hygiene waste will be turned into renewable energy.
Ending pollution. PERIOD.
In the UK alone, there are 2.5m tampons and 1.4m pads flushed down the toilet each day, it is a big issue for our oceans, rivers, and beaches. Through our exclusive partnership with FabLittleBag, a discreet, bio-degradable purpose-designed bag for users to dispose of their sanitary waste into a phs sanitary disposal bin – we are encouraging binning and not flushing.

Turning the tide on plastic pollution
At phs, we feel strongly that there’s still enormous scope to help stop everyday sanitary items, from wet wipes to period products, passing directly into our waterways, harming wildlife, and polluting our oceans. By choosing phs as your supplier your hygiene waste will be turned into renewable energy.
Reducing plastic in our packaging
phs only use single use packages in outer packaging and pallet wrap. We have taken steps within our supply chain to specify that these are only to be LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) which is categorised as code 4 plastic.
This means that this plastic can be recycled both commercially and domestically but is also considered less toxic than other types of plastics.